Rotary Club of Wimberley
Rotary Loves Readers!


Rotary Loves Readers! is a comprehensive set of programs designed and dedicated to improving quality of life and a love of learning. These programs include:

Santa Book Give-Away
The Rotary Club of Wimberley makes available a free book to every child that visits the EmilyAnn Theater's annual Trail of Lights. Over 8000+ people visited the Trail of Lights each year. We hold a book drive each Fall to gather gently used books from the local library, schools and businesses for this purpose.

The Free Reading Program
The Rotary Club of Wimberley is a proud sponsor of the FREE Reading program for kids in K-6. The program is compatible with most Internet browsers used by desktop and tablet computers. Anyone can sign up for the program - just click on the link on our home page. The FREE reading program will help improve English reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and much more!

Reading Incentives for Junior High Students
The Rotary Club of Wimberley sponsors 4 contests during the school year to encourage pleasure reading by young teens. The contests offer cash prizes to students at Danforth Junior High. Winning entries are below!

Teacher Appreciation
Rotarians recognize that teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning. We acknowledge the contribution of our area teachers and school staff by personal thank you cards and delivery of "just desserts."

Rotary Youth Leadership Award
The Rotary Club of Wimberley sponsors 4 deserving high school juniors whose selection is determined by a love of reading to attend a 3 day leadership conference each January.

Audio Books for the Blind AND Creation of a Sensory Room to Prepare Blind Children for Public School
The Rotary Club of Wimberley has partnered with the Cape Town Society for the Blind in South Africa. CTSB provides occupational training for blind persons wanting to become economically independent. Our members and local partners record audio books with our very own recording studio set up, and provide the recordings to CTSB for play during work hours. In addition, we collect gently used audio-book CDs which are hand-delivered to the school. Most recently, we held a Dinner in the Dark to fund a sensory room specifically designed to train young students for public school.

Academic Scholarships
The Rotary Club of Wimberley offers two annual scholarships for students bound for college or trade schools. The scholarships benefit graduating seniors from the Wimberley Valley.

Back to School Fiesta
In partnership with Barnabas Connection and other charitable organizations, the Rotary Club of Wimberley works to provide school supplies to 500+ children in the Wimberley Valley the weekend before school starts. Rotary volunteers help to pass out backpacks, and provide each child with a free book.

Halloween Trick-or-Read
Each Halloween, the Rotary Club of Wimberley hands out over 800 books to children trick-or-treating on the Wimberley Square and Deercreek Nursing Center.

Little Free Libraries
These small, weatherized boxes of books are co-sponsored with the Wimberley Village Library. The books are free to take or trade. Little Free Libraries are maintained by the Rotary Club at the Wimberley Community Center, King Feed and other area locations.

Christmas Store
The Rotary Club provides books for the Christmas Store established with the partnership of the Barnabas Connection. The Christmas Store makes toys and household necessities available to families for purchase at heavily discounted prices. The purpose of the Christmas Store is a hand up, not a hand out, and promotes the dignity of our working poor.

Reading Buddies
Rotary volunteers pair individually with each of Jacobs Well Elementary's 3rd grade classrooms to provide reading support on a weekly basis to students in need of additional reading practice.

Davis Moon Project
Founded by a former member of the Rotary Club of Wimberley, the mission of The Davis Moon Project is to be a resource for children’s libraries, schools and orphanages in Ethiopia by organizing literacy missions to deliver books to Ethiopia every 24 months. The missions include 10 volunteers on partial scholarships carrying approximately 4000 books per mission.

Page Turner Award
The Rotary Club of Wimberley recognizes the student in 6th, 7th and 8th grades who check out the most library books in the course of each school year.

Childhood's End was recommended to me by my father. I was reluctant to read it at first, but is proved to be an amazingly deep story. The book delved into the deeper parts of human psychology, which made me appeal to it even more. The reason for that is I aspire to make a profession out of my love for the human mind. When I overview Childhood's End, I realize it's a metaphor for life, altogether summing up mankind's stubborness. We cannot accept change, the unknown scares us. So we try to find explanations for it, when we are really masking our fears of what we don't understand. This is why this is my favorite book.
By: Joshua Pray Bober

Have you heard of the book Wonder? I wouldn't be surprised if you knew. It's an amazing book! The book is full of emotions. It made me laugh then tear up just a few moments after. It is a heartwarming, hopeful, humorous, and unique book filled with surprises. It makes you feel as if you have known each character for years and years. The author, R. J. Palacio, might as well be a mastermind! He seized your emotions and put it into a single book, so when you read it, you will feel every ounce of work he put into making the book. It left me crying, laughing, smiling, and excited to read more. I also love the main concepts of the book. "Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. Those are qualities that define us as human beings, to greatness." was written in the book. It defines one of the overall themes. It encourages you to always be your best self and do something kind for others. It influences you to change the world and make it better. It teaches you to be kind, have courage, and embrace yourself no matter what you look like, and to NOT hide your face in an astronaut helmet. On the cover it says, " You can't blend in when you were born to stand out." We should listen to it, understand it, then do it. I love what the book can teach you about life. I love how it makes you excited to uncover all the hidden messages waiting for you. I love how it can make you a little bit better of a person. I love the concepts, emotions, the thought, and the hard put into a single book. It really is a Wonder -ful book!
By: Lexi Kruzie